Someone’s brought in some leftover chocolates in a Celebrations box. It includes some knock-off Quality Street/Roses things.
In addition to the usual ones, it’s got some rogue ones in there. The popping candy truffle can fuck off, obviously, but the chocolate fudge brownie one is outstanding. I can only imagine how good the premium version would be.
Our old boss once brought us in a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts, the plain ones.
They had actually just stolen the box from tesco and put tesco own brand doughnuts in the box because they were super tight and tried to fool us. You could tell instantly.
I was very excited for the introduction of the Honeycomb Crunch in this year’s Q Street tins (you may remember that I’m known as ‘The Honeycomb Kid’ in some parts) but the tin at my Mum’s place only had two in it and they weren’t even that nice. Ah well, back to strawberry cremes for me! (Not that I’m complaining, I love strawberry cremes!)
Incredible. That’s the second tightest thing I’ve ever heard, after my colleague who routinely expenses 7 p in diesel if he has to drive to the train station for a work trip. He’s not even Scottish/from Yorkshire.
My maternal grandad used to act like he was in an international stinginess championship.
One time when I was staying I got a cotton wool bud out of the tub, and he had used one end, and put it back to use the other end later.
When he got the living room recarpeted, he decided it was a waste to get rid of/give away the old pea-green carpet, so he carpeted the garage. It was smaller than the living room, so he carpeted some of the walls too, and hung the tools back on top of the carpet.