
probably not

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Zebra crossings, yes. The power! I step a little bit into the road and the cars have to give way to me.

Pelican crossings, not so much. Press the button, wait, press it again, wait, think fuck it, cross the road and then watch all the car drivers get cross as they have to wait at an empty red light.


Learn to zebra cross, m9.


why would I pass up the opportunity to make traffic come to a total halt

The cars do the waiting, not the crosser.

Or do you wait until a car comes along before you cross, just to make them stop?

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I do.


Lovely stuff.

There’s a couple of toucans I use regularly that are on roads where every cunt speeds. Even though I know I’ll be able to cross safely long before the lights actually bother to change for me, I press the button every time just to stop traffic.

lime and coriander

  • A beautiful taste sensation
  • I like Huel

0 voters

  • Having a good ol’ scratch
  • Not on fingernail book m8

0 voters

Hearing this slice of classic INXS unexpectedly…

  • Good sensation
  • Bad sensation

0 voters

carbonated beverages in and around your mouth

  • good sensation
  • bad sensation

0 voters

really tart stuff that makes you do Homerlemonface.jpg

  • good sensation
  • bad sensation

0 voters

Licking the adhesive on an envelope and or stamp

  • interesting, good even
  • bad no thank you

0 voters

Coffee > Orange > Malteser = Raisin > Toffee > Chocolate


I miss revels

this is a fair ranking but I’d honestly put chocolate above malteser

gotta put your revels in the fridge folks

1 Like

Your mobile telephone starts ringing (you are yet to see who it is)

  • I am excited to speak to whoever is calling
  • No no no no no no no no no

0 voters

Where would you rank pulling out a nosehair in comparison to the different revels?

1 Like

just above Malteser