Social norms you would like to break down

simple yet elegant, and best performed with a soapy clean bottom

I don’t mind this sort of thing tbh

I quite like time being broken up into segments, chapters (etc.) like this even if it is arbitrary. Makes life feel like a story rather than some dull physics

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tfw your (my) life is dull physics


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I would like to see some serious damage done to macho culture, for everyone’s sakes


lets turn the macho man into the nacho man


Oh my god I could not agree more


Tbh I’m not even sure I’ve ever properly been OK when asked this, in all my adult life.

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I can’t link to the exact post but it’s mine about sitting on crisps

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I’d like to end this stigma attached to stuff like going out on your own, especially going out to a pub/nightclub on your own. Not sure why you’re always expected to be with a group of friends and that if you’re not, it means you must be a tragic desperate loser somehow.

Because there are always times when you want to go out and no one else is out. It’s almost as though staying at home on your own and being achingly lonely and miserable on a Friday night is somehow a preference. This sort of thing causes depression.

I wish real life was more like The Sims 3 where if you want to go out you just go fucking out.


I would like it to be acceptable to offer your left hand for a handshake.

Fuck off, right-handed norms.


Most gigs I go to there will be someone there that I know. But when someone asks, “Who did you come with?” it baffles me. Why should I go with someone? I know how to get there by myself. I’ve been doing it for years.


It should be more acceptable to balance on stuff as and adult


I think a lot of this hostile attitude from others towards going out on your own ultimately has something to do with the fact most people are basically lazy and would rather be sat in their living rooms watching some crap on the TV in their free time. In their comfort zones. Because going out is ‘effort’ and therefore not worth it if you’re on your own. Personally I can’t think of anything more boring myself.

I think life is hard if you enjoy your own company but are outgoing at the same time. I don’t think society has evolved yet to the point of accepting that some of us are like this.


aka scotch x

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I didn’t mind because I was only there for Suede and being alone meant I could spend 8 hours cementing my claim for the perfect spot at the front without worrying about other people’s needs. Not sure I’d do it otherwise.

Would definitely not go to a theme park alone again. Weird as fuck and felt like a massive paedo.


@anon3515918 ?

Great bunch of lads.

For-profit health care. It’s absolutely insane and indefensible.