It’s coming out on Friday - really looking forward to it, is anyone else?
Let’s get us in the mood with the best song off True:
It’s coming out on Friday - really looking forward to it, is anyone else?
Let’s get us in the mood with the best song off True:
I am looking forward to listening to this although I’ve never fully got into an entire album of hers.
Yeah I kind of just liked one off songs or singles but I really liked ‘Losing You’ so I downloaded the EP on spotify and its badically all I have to listen to in the car on the way to work.
looking forward to it. been waiting too long, imo. i’ve lapped all the saint heron releases/mixtapes/playlists up since true, as well.
judging from the tracklisting etc. i’m assuming we can expect it to be really political and pro-black, 1) cause it’s solange, 2) the song titles ‘don’t touch my hair’ ‘an ode to self care’ (also, ‘tina taught me’
% my favourite instagram mam) 3) the features- kelela, kelly rowland, tweet, lil wayne, q-tip, dev hynes, sampha, b.j., the-dream. got moses sumney, nia andrews on there two, who she’s featured on saint heron before.
sol-angel is criminally overlooked. genuinely surprised how many fans of the true ep/stuff she did with blood orange haven’t even heard it, considering it was generally well-recieved critically, re-released last year and features yer likes of bilal, pharrell, q-tip etc… lots of what would be considered ‘bangers’ 'round these parts on there.
There literally isn’t a single memorable tune on here, but as a ‘piece of work’ it’s rather lovely.
Didn’t really hold my attention from an initial listen there…
52 minutes of my life i’ll never get back.
Love it. Do we know if Dev Hynes is involved in production again? Couldn’t figure out if so
Love Sol-Angel too, but it’s so different to True - feel like I have to be in more of the right mood to listen to it.
Loving this record.
this record is beautiful
Looks like we’re getting some new stuff.
A Seat at the Table is an absolute masterpiece.
state of this thread. such a great album
can’t think many songs that hit the same emotional spot for me as Cranes in the Sky does. top 5 of the decade
Yeah I was shocked when I went back and read the muted response to the album, crazy. The live show for it was masterful too.
Hyped for the new one
Dropping tonight apparently. excellent
The melodies on that Much prefer her voice to her sister’s.