Sour(ed) Cream


enjoy your bake beans

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Genuinely stunned there are people that call it soured cream. That just sounds fucking rank.

It’s pretty much always sour cream in the shops!

is it?


Thought about this just two days ago when buying sour(ed) cream in the local tesco express.

They had both ‘Tesco Soured Cream and Chive’ dip and ‘Ol’ El Paso Sour Cream’

Have always called it sour cream myself but I thought soured cream was British while sour cream was from the US, no?

Yep, sour is American. Soured is good old ruddy bloody British.

Can’t believe we’ve got so many helmets living in Uncle Sam’s pocket.

One cream one dream

I’m ok with it but considering how many pedants here get proper enraged by americanisms I’m pretty shocked too.

it’s just using sour as a verb or as an adjective innit. Either makes sense, I use sour as an adjective more than verb, so I’ll go with sour cream

i’m okay with either innit

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If you put those through the self-serve as Sour Cream you get it for 0.5p cheaper.

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Sour’d cream?
Sourèd cream?



worse, if anything

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But but but:

None of those are soured cream.


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