Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (Spoilers from Dec 19th)

cmon, lads…

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Cannot believe that I had committed that and the name of the group to memory and I can’t even remember my Dad’s birthday.

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I’ve seen TFA and TLJ multiple times and I had to look up who they are

The original trilogy referenced loads of stuff that was never actually explained (in those 3 films anyway). No one cared, it just added to the fantasy mystique

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What about Macho Grande?

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Surely Kylo Ren and Rey are basically the same age. Right?

The whole point of this trilogy is the tearing down of the old ways. The Force was used so widely in the Old Republic, and then 30 years BBY (going to assume everyone in here is conversant in the abbreviations) they were wiped out. It has taken that long for the force to “awaken” and no longer be limited being literally the only three people who survived Anakin and his genocide. It is now “for the masses”, hence Rey NOT being a legacy character or even related to any jedi, and the whole point about the wee Broom Boy at the end of TFA.

It is literally in the titles.

  • The Force Awakens. Literal.
  • The Last Jedi. Luke kills the religion; teaching people about balance hasn’t worked for 70 years and let the galaxy get fucked by Anakin.

Now watch JJ listen to folk like you and fuck it all right up.


I think the plan (and I reckon there is a plan, just a very very big picture outline one with plenty of room for individual writers and directors to have their own input) would have been that Kylo Ren’s big confrontation in IX was with Leia.

No idea what will happen now.


We haven’t ‘already established there’s no plan’ though - stop beating that drum as to why you don’t like the story arc we’ve been given.

Perhaps everyone BTS wanted a storyline to widen the scope of the Force, which RJ then showed the audience via Temiri Blagg (Broom Boy). So actually the title ‘The Force Awakens’ actually makes better sense to me now because of TLJ - it doesn’t just hinge on Rey solely becoming a Jedi and replacing Luke. That would be a little boring and actually, inherently, shows RJ hadn’t just conjured up a whole feast of self-indulgence.

Rey’s parent(s) don’t need to be Jedi at all - Luke is, for all intents and purposes, the last Force sensitive person in the galaxy by the end of ROTJ, so where would these ‘newer Jedi’, starting families and passing on their powerful potential, be coming from? Oh, perhaps there are people out in the galaxy who haven’t unlocked their power, simply don’t know how to handle it because there are no teachers until Luke decides to open an Academy? Oh, but why did Luke open an Academy if he was the literally ‘the last jedi’ and no-one else had the Force within them?

Also, Broom Boy is about 12 in TLJ, Anakin was 10 in TPM so odds are future Vader was moving stuff with his mind by the same age. There is a scene in TLJ when Temiri gets whipped by the slave owner and it looks like the boy is seriously going to retaliate (until his friend, whom probably knew what he was potentially capable of, put a hand on his shoulder).

In the prequels, the Jedi were training a hell of a lot of youngsters - they were always recruiting and discovering potential new students. It wasn’t just the dozen in the Council that had access to this power.

All this has made midicholrians less of a ‘problem’ now. If we are truly objective that concept (and I didn’t like it back in 1999 I’ll admit) it makes a hell of a lot of sense rather than to have only half a dozen people in the entire galaxy able to harness a power. George Lucas must be chuckling away to himself…

‘Completely random’ opens up the galaxy to new stories and adventures - I’m fine with that. It doesn’t detract my enjoyment of the OT whatsoever.

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I also believe that was the idea and have read somewhere that TFA had Han at the front, TLJ was Luke and Leia was going to be the head of IX.

She will still appear in IX (JJ has reportedly said there is enough unseen footage from TFA and TLJ for them to utilise) but, unless that footage is extremely particular, I doubt she’ll be the one to confront Kylo now, which is a little sad.

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No need for a plan when anything you put in your film will, at some stage in the 2,000 other Star Wars films in production, be completely undermined. None of it matters any more, everyone making the films has embraced that.

And yet, the more people dive in and talk about stuff, the more things are seemingly connected across the entire saga…

Directors can have free reign to tell any sort of story they want as long as it doesn’t go outside designated sand box. you can’t go ahead with a project like this without a plan.

On that point, it’s noted that Rey was born on Jakku and her parents left her on the planet, so it looks like she wouldn’t of had any provisional training. The ‘Mary Sue’ club will have a field day.

Makes me wonder: if Anakin wasn’t discovered by Qui-Gon, would he have become so powerful (a la Rey) just kicking around on Tattooine?

It’s all a big conspiracy :wink:

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That’s called ‘world building’ innit, and Marvel do it well and without causing grief. Give it another 10 years and SW will be there.

I think I’m going to watch Episode IX when it comes out and then mute whatever it’s called on Twitter forever. I should probably just mute ‘The Last Jedi’ really at this point

I get that frustration, but we have a whole film to go yet and things may get revealed.

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She’s not all powerful from the get go. What movies have you been watching?

All we’ve seen her do is resist Kylo’s attempts to get in her head, be clumsy with a lightsaber and lift a bunch of rocks. She’s not anything close to a master. She has some strong innate power, as Anakin (another random kid on a desert planet) and Luke did but by the end of TLJ she’s still only beginning to realise the potential of it.

I can see why you’d want a historical connection with Kylo but I think their kinship/attraction is more interesting.



She beats a tired, emotional and heavily wounded Kylo.

The Jedi mind trick is a bit of a stretch for her to suddenly learn but stormtroopers are repeatedly shown to be as dumb as particularly stupid blocks of wood throughout the series so I’ve no problem buying that.

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Also remember when Luke, a kid who has never even left he goddamn planet before, managed to use the force to fly a spaceship better than all the actual spaceship pilots and blow up the Death Star without force training? Also Anakin did the same thing. Fuckin Mary Sues.

Aw shit, maybe this DOES prove she’s related to them