Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (I'm not even on StarWarsBook, mate)

Imagine if Adam Driver played Anakin


Knowing JJ Abrams, you can probably just watch the prequels for that :wink:


I would argue that he didn’t. A clear goal maybe. But wiping out half of life IN THE UNIVERSE because your own planet got wrecked is a huge and irrational overreaction.

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After the defeat of the Empire at the end of RotJ and establishment of a new Republic, the galaxy had pretty quickly just gone back to rising fascism, widespread kidnap and enslavement of minors (Finn, Rey, the kids on Casiozoneworld), forever wars, and arms dealers still profiteering off it all. Kylo Ren grew up in the new Republic and had a better view of the neolib bullshit and ended up getting suckered in to fascism. Makes total sense that Kylo would want to take over the First Order and try something different rather than just go back to the Republic with Rey, it obviously didn’t work.

The big question TLJ asked is how do we stop the forever war, can’t just repeat the OT ending because it’ll just backslide again. The door was open for part 9 to address that. I’d say it would’ve been nice to have some kind of dream of Leia’s to have a more lasting peace that isn’t a top-down government thing but more people have the power hippy shit, and that’s brought forward by Finn leading a Stormtrooper rebellion, becoming a figurehead as the Stormtrooper who refused to fight, and he inspires them all to no longer be weapons for somebody else. They have a mass strike and go do space communism, Finn and Poe kiss, tie in the Casinozoneworld kids and Rose’s home planet, everybody’s happy. Rey and Kylo have a final showdown, she chucks away her lightsaber like Luke, Kylo can’t bring himself to kill her and is bummed out by all his guys having walked away, he lives on and takes part in some kinda restorative justice, timejump forward to new Jedis but doing a decentralised non hierarchical commuist Jedi order where they don’t just do lightsabers but do force-powered community work.


Also Kylo would’ve been motivated by his love for Rey - the only person in the whole damn galaxy who understands him. And isn’t that the oldest motivation of all?




George Lucas really made a Star Wars trilogy about how Liberalism inevitably leads to fascism, and private boarding schools turn vulnerable kids into super fucked up adults with a direct path into positions of power, and you all had the temerity to say that they’re shit! they are quite shit, but in a very fun and interesting way


I like Kylo Ren. Sad and frustrated and angry with patriarchal figures in his life who’re emotionally manipulative and violent, trying to make him like them. Got all these feelings inside him that he doesn’t understand, cries a lot. Likes to dress all in black, grows his hair long, tries to disguise his face and voice, changes his name. Only person he vibes with is this one weird girl who says she’s like him and he kinda feels that, but he finds that implication pretty scary.

It’s 2022, The Last Jedi thread is back, we’re doing a queer reading of Kylo Ren. ooooh yes


Thought Colin Trevorrow’s treatment for Episode IX with Kylo going to study with a Sith master (basically Luke and Yoda in Empire but Dark Side?) could have had promise. Better than some guff about squinting at a knife to find things anyway.


Yeah enjoyed reading that. Liked the bit at the beginning where Finn, Rose, Poe and Rey steal a star destroyer

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Me too - someone on here said I was a huge geek for even remembering them, but they were so prominent in the trailers and stuff, could have been proper bad ass. They also never really capitalised on Kylo’s immense power - the first time we saw him, he did the coolest thing he ever did (stopped the blaster bolt in mid air) and it was all downhill from there.

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