Super early Friday thread

Afternoon everyone! I blinked and it’s half one already.

Feeling a bit grotbags :grimacing: throat is sore so I’ve put all of my make up on to trick myself into thinking I look healthy. I rang my Mum earlier and she gave me the same advice she’s given me since I can remember “gargle with dilute TCP!” I have never ever done this because it sounds awful but I’m so desperate to feel better for tomorrow that I might do it! maybe.


Get well soon matey! Am enjoying ‘gargle with dilute TCP’ being your ma’s sage advice in every birthday card since you were a nipper :grinning:


Hello I relocated to Glasgow about 18 months ago so give us a shout if I can help with anything.

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Every single time I’ve shown any sign of a sore throat it’s her first response :smiley: and every single time I’ve said “Oh yes, I’ll do that” … then I never do it :joy:

She rung me today to talk to me about moth balls, she bought too many so she has plenty for me! I LOVE MY MUM.

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Oh jeezus. This is the sort of dog that would steal ALL my attention. Squish.

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Fell head first over a wall in the park on my lunch break and spilled a whole can of Coke all over myself. Cut my shins to ribbons as well. Fuck it though, this is too good a day.


My bf had to ask me a question 3 times before I stopped playing with the cutest pub dog I’ve ever seen to answer him. UGGHHHARRRGHHHINEEDADOG.

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oh, I had a really sore throat last year and for the first time ever I gargled with lukewarm water and salt. Always assumed it was bollocks but not at all, it helped no end! :+1:


I know I shouldn’t laugh, but just how do you fall head first over a wall?

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Classic Kallgeese :grinning::wink:


Salt sounds less bad than TCP. I managed to burn myself with TCP once. I can’t be trusted with it.

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When I was 15 my friend has a house party and some randoms drank TCP from her parents medicine cabinet. :nauseated_face:

(Don’t do it)

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I worked with an old lady that swore she could fix all ailments with whisky tho! “Midge bite? Dab some whisky on it!” This I can get on board with.

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I was jumping over a low wall into the park, completely misjudged it and caught the edge of the wall with both shins, which tilted me head first into the grass on the other side of the wall. Was definitely seen falling by at least two people from our office too!


Actually now thinking about it and having met you a couple of times you do strike me as the kinda person who can’t be trusted with TCP! :wink::wink:

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I’ll be sure to give that a bash next time I stand on an upturned plug or something :grinning:


Not sure if anyone was following the saga with my ex letting agents yesterday evening but they’re actually disputing something that’s in the contract they gave to us. They are insane.

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Oh dear! I think you can turn this into a positive though, it’s a funny story that’ll make a lot of people laugh today :+1:

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Idiots! The Shelter advice line is excellent if you need any housing advice re legalities etc.

welcome! as someone who moved from glasgow to London and then back, I’m always happy to talk Glasgow love, make the thread :slight_smile:

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