Talk me through your shower routine

  1. Shower on
  2. Wait for water to heat up.
  3. Step into shower, cover every bit of body in water (remove showerhead from cradle to wet hard-to-reach places)
  4. Shampoo hair, rinse almost immediately.
  5. Shampoo hair AGAIN, rinse after a little longer.
  6. Conditioner in hair, DO NOT RINSE.
  7. Lather up soap on chest hair (hair required to create lather).
  8. Wash torso.
  9. Wash genitals, paying particular attention to bellend & between butt cheeks.
  10. Wash arms and neck.
  11. Wash genitals AGAIN.
  12. Wash legs.
  13. Wash feet, right foot not washed as well as the other because it’s hard standing on one leg and washing a foot when your left foot is the only one on the ground.
  14. Wash genitals A THIRD TIME.
  15. Wash chest again because you don’t want the soap to go straight to your face from the genital area.
  16. Wash face, rinse instantly once done.
  17. Rinse hair.
  18. Turn shower off, use hands to get some water off body.
  19. Towel dry all body except one leg.
  20. Towel dry foot of dry leg, step OUT of shower with dry foot.
  21. While balancing, dry WET leg and foot, place on ground when done.



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I like baths

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Who the fuck has time for baths?

*new post-rock side project of mine


I’m talking about music isn’t this a musicforum

Sorry, I’m new here

Hi New Here!

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Hi dad

Let’s all have a bath

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Do you shower before you bath, or just go straight in and wallow in your own filth?

  • Shower before
  • Shower after

0 voters

Absolute filthmonger m9 :wave:t2:

I don’t have a shower

I wash my hair and then my face and then my body


and I don’t come from Wales


sorry to hear that

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Is this where someone says they have a shower after (or was it before?) wiping their ass

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shampoo every 2 days conditioner every 4

every day is M A D N E S S

If time and convenience were not a factor, would you have a shower after each and every shit?

  • Absolutely
  • Most of them
  • Some of them
  • Now and again

0 voters

How often do you use shampoo?

  • Multiple times a day
  • Once a day
  • Once every two days
  • Once every three days
  • Once every four days
  • Once every five days
  • Once every six days
  • Once a week
  • Between once a week and once a month
  • Less frequently than once a month
  • I never wash my hair
  • N/A

0 voters

How often do you use conditioner?

  • Multiple times a day
  • Once a day
  • Once every two days
  • Once every three days
  • Once every four days
  • Once every five days
  • Once every six days
  • Once a week
  • Between once a week and once a month
  • Between once a month and once every two months
  • Less frequently than once every two months
  • I never condition my hair
  • N/A

0 voters