Tell me some nice instrumental music to listen to

Preferably with a bit of a spaghetti western sound, or not.

Labradford - Mi Media Naranja


I can sort of imagine some of this over footage of a desert maybe…

(Tarentel - From Bone To Satellite (Full Album) - YouTube)

Really enjoyed the first track but that awful guitar tone on the second took me out of the game

Yes, I agree actually, had forgot about that one. I don’t think there’s any more like that on the album, and some of the better stuff is after that.

I confidently predict you won’t be disappointed with this. Perhaps a bit of a banger to be ‘nice’ though:

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Listen to Howard Budd!

there’s a Miles for every occasion

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Yes mate. I really liked Westworld but didn’t get on with the rest of that album. Will give it another listen though

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Discovered after putting this on at the weekend that it contains really high frequencies that make my kids really unhappy. Same is true of ‘fixed:content’.

Never noticed that really but my hearing isn’t great. Completely love all the labradford LPs. Would love them to do something again in the future…

Morricone’s soundtrack to ‘One Upon A Time in the West’ is the best spaghetti western soundtrack. Can’t go wrong here.

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You may enjoy this? Perhaps?

MIght I suggest Music by Ry Cooder


a collection of music he did for movies.

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Oh, ok then. I’ll check it out again tomorrow

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Calexico’s El Picador is a winner. I keep meaning to try to compile all their mariachi-style tracks into one compilation. Not that the regular tracks aren’t good, but I love the -exico ones best.

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please do that