The Best Guitar Solos Of All Time!

Been listening to a lot of Marc Ribot recently - he was the guitarist on Rain Dogs and has all this amazing avant garde jazz and blues guitar stuff on spotify.


I like the twinkly solo on Dishes by Pulp

itā€™s so obviously any Slayer solo. Letā€™s go with Angel of Death because itā€™s first:


This is my favourite by a mile - an audience recording of Frank Zappa & his band playing ā€œYo Mamaā€ at the New York Palladium, 29th October 1978. Ten minutes of completely improvised, utterly gorgeous soloing accompanied by some near-telephathic interplay with the band, Vinnie Colaiuta the drummer in particular. Forget your preconceptions of FZ if necessary, and if you really feel the need, skip to 1:29 to avoid the rather trivial ā€˜songā€™ bookending the gargantuan solo.

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Hereā€™s my Neil Young entry.



Or This


Maggot Brain = end of thread
Unless we debate 2nd best guitar solo


So youā€™re not a fan of Siamese Dream? :wink:

Always going to pick the Astoria live version of Maquilladora by Radiohead for a best solo @plasticniki

Also the impossible (because I think itā€™s two guitars with one going backwards) solo on Blurā€™s This Is a Low

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All this Frusciante talkā€™s made me stick on Ataxia which is like just one long solo of his :grinning:

  • Here Is No Why
  • In Bloom

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Not heard Here is No Why but equally most (all?) Nevermind solos are just the vocal line played on guitar which is really great to listen to but doesnā€™t exactly hit the ā€˜great solosā€™ territory

i donā€™t know where to start with this post tbh teho

Itā€™s a pretty simple statement of fact and opinion TBH.

But yeah now Iā€™ve had to stick Nevermind on because YEAH

I do recall when Danny Baker got a hard time in Radio Times or something for playing In Bloom shortly after Cobainā€™s death and remarked on the ā€˜ironyā€™ of the ā€œI donā€™t have a gunā€ line.

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Dunno. Donā€™t like them unless they lead somewhere. This is good though:

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Was gonna post Marc Ribotā€™s solo from Jockey Full of Bourbon. Heā€™s probably my favourite guitarist.

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Blue Sky

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could always just post more eddie hazel


That is a big peach.

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