The evening of Monday, the 2nd of March

Same :hugs:

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Work done, double observations so that’s sorted. Then led the first communion lessons.
Now cooking up some v nice looking cheese, potato and onion croquettes which sadly the boys want in on so that’s only 1.5 each!!

Tea, bit of chocolate and football later I suppose …


I’d like @rich-t 's dinner, but I fear it’ll be something worthy and carb free. It’s not even like I’m trying to lose weight (or that these meals lose me any weight) anyway.

The rest of the week is quite busy, so tonight I’ll be doing the grand total of fuck all.

Got lasagne for dinner, cant wait to burn all the edges, nom.

Inside No. 9 in bed after that :purple_heart:


Get some olive oil down there.


I’m really bad at cooking curry but ended up making one by accident and it’s nice.

Love for the nduha pizza not mopey

Having a quick beer before heading to see Big Thief :arrow_upper_right::arrow_right::arrow_upper_right::arrow_upper_right:


Feeling still bad but slightly less bed as I am getting to have a proper me day tomorrow which hopefully will help me relax/feel a bit less bleak.

Vidya for me tonight I think.


Evening all. was a bit worried about my youngest earlier as she was clutching her stomach in pain and complaining about it, which is rather unlike her. Then she did two enormous farts and the pain suddenly disappeared. Good girl.



Anyway. Dinner is done. Was good. Can’t beat pie and roast veg. Watching some Brooklyn 99 and probably go bed early. Whacked today.


Evening all!

We’re watching Lego Movie 2. I could be marking assessments but I really cannot be bothered.

lost my keys. probably left them at work again. i already had to turn back to the office 5 minutes after leaving when i realised i left my wallet in my locker. worried i’m actually losing my mind or going senile.

i hope i’ve left my keys in my locker again rather than just leaving them on my desk this time, or worse, losing them somewhere outside of work

was gonna go and finally see Parasite tonight as it’s cheap day at my favourite cinema and i’ve had gigs for the last 2 Mondays, but with no keys i’m just going to stay in the house rather than have to knock to get in again. i’ve noticed it’s still on next Monday and at a better time so it’s for the best.

Decided to save them all up and watch all at once when it’s finished but I’m not sure why.


Quiet tonight innit.

it is, feel like I can only whisper in here


too scared reading the writer thread.

Also finding terrible star wars jokes to tell R