These are my favourite hot cross buns

I forgot we knew that.

A bag of Terry’s chocolate orange pieces are a thing of joy.

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Water damaged ones are alright.

Are hot cross buns not a bit like jam doughnuts in that it doesn’t matter which ones you get, they’re all basically the same?

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Also hot cross buns are WELL Brexit.

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Fresh water is Brexit
Magic the Gathering is Brexit
HCB are Brexit

What are you on about?

They’re just a bit Morris dancer, aren’t they.

They taste great. It’s not like eating a swastika cookie


I mean it’s not that far off, is it.


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I guess the cross just needs some arms

can’t even call them easter buns anymore

Have you noticed that if you bin off all the middle of his user name it spells grim… much like his taste.

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Exactly. It’s a zoomed in Swastika. They should call them Hot Zoomed In Swastika Buns.

you’r the one who’s taste is Balz

Maybe we should start a business selling hot swastika buns to white supremacists in prisons?

Lets me know.

They do seem to burn quite easily.

Has to be lowest setting on the toaster. Has to be…

had some waitrose almond and cherry ones last week they were HORRIBLE

sticking to Aldi’s own ones now, very good

Old forum favourite Brainlove used to advocate eating them with a large slice of mature cheddar. i have never tried this but imagine it would be good

Can’t be arsed to change the setting, will just watch them like a hawk or eat them like an apple.

They had cheddar ones in M&S but I just doubled up on the apple ones. The choc toffee ones are good too but they melt in the toaster.