Things I like and why they are bad


Playing tennis, cutting the grass, playing music, laughing, playing PC games: I guess (like pretty much anything anyone does) you could do these things in a way that would cause others harm - but none of these things are bad things in themselves. I don’t like you referring to yourself as a bad person as I don’t think you’re bad. Maybe we see you differently from how you see yourself.


I want Bamnan to let himself enjoy things and embrace feeling happy when he does because he’s a beautiful human being worthy and deserving of love and joy.

That sounds super cheesey but fuck it.


yeah, I guess I should add making threads to this list

big disappointed that I’ve already gone through all the things I like

Walks and baths?

good point

i’ve decided that threads like this aren’t healthy tbh


baths probably my favourite activity and just puts me in a relaxed state of mind where I feel like the world can’t get me. On the other hand it’s a huge waste of water to have as many baths as I have so is bad for the environment. Showers just aren’t the same

I really don’t think I should have come back onto DiS after my break, something in my brain broke :frowning:

Walks are great aren’t they? On nice days I sometimes get off my train and walk further than I need to because it’s good to get out and take some calm exercise.

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this is what happens when you try to make a change, change isn’t always healthy. Sometimes you should just stay in your routine where it is safe

i’m not saying leave DiS. i just feel like you are trying to convince yourself you dislike/actively hate things for some reason, and i don’t think you should because it’s just gonna create a tunnel vision effect where all you can see are the bad things about everything.


Yeah walks are one thing I really struggle to criticise, I love going for walks. Must have been on thousands in my lifetime, every day I try to go for 2-3 walks, good excuse to listen to music or a podcast (which are bad as previously discussed :wink: ) the act of walking is a good way for me to to feel healthier, relaxed, place me in my surroundings in context, also I like walking back to placesi know well, it’s interesting to feel different emotions and reflect on old emotions when you look at mundane things like a house or lamppost you remember walking past, what you were feeling at the time, who you were with, what trees might feel like, old and familiar things that will be there after you are gone. Love walking


Maaaan, you already know what I think of all this :zipper_mouth_face:


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Gives a unique sense of connection to a place/environment. Something quite human and humbling about that I think,


sad that so few people seem to just walk to places, always feel like a weirdo going for a walk I seem to be the only person who walks round the park without a dog.

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Pasta- is delicious but I always eat it so quickly I feel like I’ve eaten a brick


I feel like this sometimes. Especially if someone asks me where I’m going and I just explain I’ve been off for a walk.

I get a bit fidgety if I don’t go for walk for at least an hour a day nowadays

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Pasta is the best

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