Things it's ok to dilute

I’m getting a lot of push-back over my pioneering attitudes. Turns out people don’t like it when you challenge their perceptions of normality.

But someone has to break new ground.

So I’m diluting Pepsi Max. Yes, that’s right.

Two to three fingers of Pepsi Max in a pint glass, the rest chilled water. Been rocking this shit for a couple of years now. Any time someone asks what I’m drinking they’re horrified. I’ve been called disgusting.

I know that the people of DiS are bolder/smarter/hotter than Josephine Public and that I’ll get no snark here.

  • I support your bold life-style choice, saps
  • You disgust me, saps
  • I have no opinion about this whatsoever
  • You’re usually right about stuff, saps, I’m going to try this for myself
  • Some other option that’s equally valid given the circumstances
0 voters

pep max is horrible, so can only be improved by adding something less horrible

this just sounds like ruining water though


Don’t think it’s possible to make Pepsi Max any worse than it already is so crack on, saps.


I have diluted fizzy drinks in the past, I think it’s fine

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Yeah I’d just have some water

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for people that dont have an opinion you certainly have a LOT of opinions


i wouldn’t want it but i’m fine with you drinking it if it makes you happy


I don’t have an opinion on what saps does or whether diluting Pepsi is a good thing. I just wouldn’t bother myself

Sometimes fresh OJ is a bit much for me so I stick a bit of a water topper in the glass


I do this.

But I am disgusting.


So what else you diluting Saps? Or just leaving it at the pepsi?

Come on dude, pioneer!

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Sometimes I’ll dilute a double shot of vodka with some tonic water

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Like JaggyP above I will dilute orange juice from time to time.

I drink the weakest squash imaginable so I suppose I’m kind of diluting most people’s idea of squash.

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Classic filth

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It’s abhorrent and feral behavior but I don’t blame you, per se, I blame the various corner cutting bars, pubs and canteens watering down their coke nationally creating an appetite for this tomfoolery.


Can just about see watering down Pepsi/Coke with sparkling water so that it’s less sweet/has a lower sugar content I guess. Sugar free options with tap water? Sounds awful and flat.

i think you should be arrested


You get to saps’s house.
It’s real nice that he invited you to lunch.
He’s warm and welcoming when he lets you in, you’re feeling good about your decision.
“You arrived just in time! Lunch is ready” he says, which is great as you missed breakfast and you are so hungry.
You go into the kitchen, and look down at the table.
This is what you see.


I’m usually ACAB but can make exceptions.

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