Things that give pleasure

Also when people shout stuff from cars, not the misogynist wanker creep stuff, but when it’s harmless and good spirited.

Like when someone shouted at me “I Love Tuesdaaaaaays” at four in the morning, on a Tuesday, as their car was over the speeding limit.

Or when I was with my Tom (who has a very red head of hair) and someone shouted “Ginger!” and this fella threw a whole unopened twix at Tom’s head. Lovely stuff.

wild parakeets

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I always enjoy seeing signs for Illminster in Somerset - it’s the album Nas never made


You’re right but he got a free Twix!

Used to work in Compton (one of them , there’s millions), made the aforementioned not funny ‘straight outta Compton’ joke many, many times.

There’s a street called ‘Straight Dykes’ in my hometown. Street sign gets stolen a lot

Just tried to find this on a map to see if it’s still there and the street no longer has a name. Tried to google it…baaaad idea.

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Taking a pair of socks off after a long day
A nice new pair of wiper blades on a car
Getting to a train station early and managing to catch a late-running previous train
The zinginess of new guitar strings
The first sip of the first pint
Being presented with food or drink in bed

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Yeah I do the Compton thing with Kimpton.

The Tesco’s near where I work has installed cunty number plate recognition but you get 30mins free without having to spend in store. Not gonna lie I straight up love getting my shit done elsewhere and getting out before the 30 mins elapses and every time I do it I give the camera at the exit the finger. Often to a chant of ‘fuck off Tesco’ to the melody of ‘help me rhonda’.

It’s not petty.


Like shooting fish in a barrel here :wink:


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Meeting friendly cats.


Patting dogs

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Look how yr spelling Ilminster.

Ilmatic. :stuck_out_tongue:

i used to live near a dogpool lane. just had a look on google maps and amazingly the current (in the photo anyway) roadsigns are for the most part tippex-free for once

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Ahahaha, you have to wonder if whoever named it that knew what they were doing