Things you do to annoy everybody

As above really

Pretend to be really stupid six days a week and then one day use up all my stored intelligence to outsmart everyone, to their surprise

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keep referring to Rick and Morty as Ron and Martin or Rich and Michael - u get the idea

My friend and I call it Mick n Porky to annoy another friend of ours

everything or exist or whatever


+1 on that


Constantly clicking my pen.

Mess up peopleā€™s Rubikā€™s Cubes.
Then only complete 2/3 of it.

Pretend I was in the SAS and have a skill relating to any situation

Were you in the SAS?

I cant talk about it


I do two of those three things


Iā€™m calling amateur unless you also take a two hour lunchbreak.

I do things I otherwise hate when driving to amuse myself occasionally. Speeding up a bit if someone wants to change lanes, going even slower if people are up my arse, that kind of thing. Dependent on the car and how I perceive the driver to be as a person, based on looks alone.

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have a habit of asking really obvious questions/questions I know the answer to already just to annoy people.

Race ya

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