Things you have been slow to realise

As a child it took me a while to realise that the smiley lottery mascot was also a hand


I found out today that you can tell if a battery is dead or not by dropping it on a hard surface. Dead batteries bounce a bit but ones with charge don’t

I’ve tested it out and it’s true, fucking amazing


I thought this was the back of a car for years. This is made worse my the fact I used to walk past this sign every day on the way to school. Then I realised about a decade later it’s actually hands on a steering wheel :no_mouth:

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Its actually a black and white minion meme prototype.

Arrrrgghhh cannot Unsee

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That the band Birds in Row are not called Birds in a Row. Was sure it was that for a long time despite owning records etc. Never saw the lack of an a.

Mcluskys song Collagen Rock is a play on college rock



I used to see it like this: ignore all the text, the cuffs of the person driving are the wheel arches, the hands are the bodywork/doors, the centre of the steering wheel is where the car logo would be, the gap at the top of the steering wheel is the rear window, the gap at the bottom of the steering wheel is some sort of bumper, the very bottom of the steering wheel is the bottom of the car.

I know this probably sounds/looks insane to some people I really was convinced it was the back of a car for 10+ years

YouTube is called that because of tube being a slang term for the television.

You said it pal


:grinning: I kinda suspected that was the configuration, but it’s like a magic eye/chaos picture that I can’t pop into place!


Still do not know what a CIS male is, despite it being mentioned on here numerous times.

Could of course Google it…

Having caught many a megabus in my time, only realised the other day that the lad on the back has simply just a very pink human face and is not actually a pig.

WHY would it have been a pig



It’s not initials, so there’s no need to uppercase it. Someone who is cis is someone whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth.

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I did this. Had to overcome my initial thought that it was something to do with Cooperative Insurance Services


Thanks for clarifying.

Just realised that the band name The Doobie Brothers is a reference to marijuana.


That vending machines take card now

they really laid it on extra thick on the slip cover of the Minute By Minute LP


Classmates in early high hchool used to tease me because they thought I looked like him. In fairness they were totally right