Things you reckon you could get world class at if you put your mind to it

I reckon anyone here could win the world snooker or darts championships if they decided to do it (and had the means to stop working and commit every single moment of their lives to pursuing this goal)

What other things are there that you reckon anyone could become the best in the world at if they decided to?

you reckon wrong.


Well, everyone except Balonz obviously

I don’t think my mind is capable enough for being world class at anything :frowning2:

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NFL Kicker/Punter, not now but I reckon any random physically able 10 year old could become NFL standard if they dropped out of education now and just trained at it


This is a good example. I would suggest this also applies to rugby (for any rugby position)

Longsnapping for me, Clive.



i would need an editor, though, as i can’t self edit because i’m just that good at writing stuff



I’ve been considering a separate thread about how well you think you’d do at a number of quiz shows actually, feel free to start it if you think it would be good.

Please be kinder to yourself, you would 100% be able to become a top-class snooker or darts player if you decided you wanted to do it.

my parents have an ongoing, longstanding argument over who gets to take me on pointless


Actually started the application process to go on it with my gf as she’s always bragging about how well we’d do but she pulled the plug on it once I told her about it. We definitely would have got on as well.


Think i could make a career of being a political philosopher,seems like a bit of a doss.
The fella whose doing the module just gets us to read articles his mates have wrote and makes us ginger bread. He has a pretty sweet life.

Ant’s being silly and provocative. But this doesn’t override the fact that Rugby chat is forbidden and shit

I don’t know what “lock” means. My basic point is that rugby requires no degree of natural talent or technique.

I disagree!

Anyone could be some bum that gets fed to someone at the start of their pro career for sure, don’t think anyone could get world class at it on accounts of God-given technique and that

Driving. Enough practice and anyone could be the next Colin McRae/Michael Schumacher/Etc


Pro Wrestler (just get juiced, learn how to do a flip and develop a good voice on the mic)