Things you'll always ignore

I was doing something else, but yeah, wtf?

Fucking white van drivers, amirite?

Yeah, weird that falling bookshelves has drawn more concern.

Warnings not to clean inside my ears with cotton buds



the ‘how many carrier bags’ message on self service tills. Always steal them. Always.

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Implied rather than direct requests to do things.

“It’d be great if X did Y.”


“875345651364, can you make X do Y?”


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You’re terrible and I hope you get caught.


‘After cooking in the microwave allow food to sit for a further two minutes.’

No thanks pal, I’d rather melt the roof of my mouth off ta…


I see you are using adblocker would you consider…

No I fucking wouldn’t!


Do you speed when driving (drivers only)

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

C. sometimes

Nice try, PC NARC

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Much less than I used to though. Try to not go 10mph+


It’s a “yes, but…”.

No in a 20, 30 or 40.

Few mph above in a 50 if it’s safe to do so.

Up to 5 mph above in national speed limit if it’s safe to do so.

That’s very slow.


I’m not saying I go nuts, but 70 is painful when the flow is going at 80, and 60 is generally more of a ‘drive at some sort of common sense speed. Slow the fuck down for windy bits’ guidance for me.

My flag carrier isn’t as fit as he used to be

I was like you once, until I lost my wedding video.

Yeah, be careful with this one. Lost many a file, luckily nothing like a wedding video…