Think we should declare a moratorium on calling people a Tory

Yeah well, um, it TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE!

Boom. 2-1 colossalhorse.

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I hate eating in nice places because they just make me feel like a right skank. Just this whole embarrassing pretence of being a poor person indulged for an evening makes my skin crawl.

Completely depends on the context for me.

Saying someone’s a Tory because they have sugar in their tea’s silly.

Saying someone’s a Tory because they regularly mention their sizeable salary’s perfectly fine and should be encouraged.


I’ll hand in my champagne socialist badge at the door :slight_smile:

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I think the latter would only really apply to CG on here though

If anyone thinks of you like that then that’s their problem so don’t worry about it.


just a bit of a farce though isn’t it, nicely dressed people coming over and saying “is your meal ok?” in a subservient tone.

Maybe if you could get really nice food but it was served in the atmosphere of a KFC I would like it

getting a shitty mcdonalds late at night at a service station after a gig is probably the best meal I can imagine.

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I’d strongly disagree, but i’m not really eager to prod that particular nest today.

I do think that things lose their comedic value when overused.

shit sitcom though :wink:

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McDonalds does table service now. Imagine!

no! I don’t want that :frowning:

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It’s optional, don’t worry too much.

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O’sheas at 7pm?


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Can get there for 8ish

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has anyone made this joke yet?

Find it fine/vaguely amusing when it’s obviously very silly and related to how you cut a pizza or something ridiculous. Find it a bit more iffy and dismissive in a more serious discussion based thread.

No, you’re golden


I would at least like a hipoliticsofhateus on it.