This woman on the bus is pissing me off

Her friend was asking what she and her partner were doing for Valentine’s Day and she said “we aren’t going to do anything. just cook a really nice meal and get a bottle of wine”.

That’s doing something you fucking prick.


I hope you screamed that in their faces.

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To us Love Monsters that IS nothing.

Who the hell has got that planned already, evening if it is just mealandwine?? They’ve pissed me off as well.

Pissing me off
Pissing me off
Pissing me off
The woman on the bus is Pissing me off
All the light long day


Maybe they do that every day

However girl at the bus stop…

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My sister-in-law used to sing variations on this with her three-year old back when they lived in Hackney.

“The teenagers on the bus say ‘innit’, ‘innit’, ‘innit’” etc.

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