Thread for being thankful for your family

Are you two family?!
I always just through you were just friends!!

brothers, innit. We didnā€™t feel the need to go on and on about it like the @meths/@eems axis though :wink:


AHH amazing! This is v nice.

or me and @shrewbie


she used to, I think she quite enjoys the space now.

Iā€™d say weā€™ve moved into a place now where weā€™re all thankful that we still have a family unit, however fractured and dysfunctional it might otherwise seem. Everything I am, both good and bad, comes from them in some way or other.

At a family gathering shortly after the birth of her first grandchild (not mine) she stood up and made a toast to the new addition to the family, Joshua.

The kids name is Rudy, and had been since his birthday about 4 weeks previous. There are no Joshuas or any other similar names in the family.

Everyone obviously pissed themselves laughing but she just pretended it hadnā€™t happened cos sheā€™s never wrong.


Thatā€™s literally all Iā€™m giving

That is actually good and funny though

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I know thatā€™s why I went with that tit bit otherwise the thread is inherently hypocritical

ā€œtit bitā€


Is it tidbit? It is isnt. I wasnā€™t sure.

Iā€™ve never been sure tbh but ā€œtit bitā€ is just funny regardless isnā€™t it

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This year at Christmas, my nan gave us a card.

Inside it read - ā€œMerry Christmas to Meo and Partnerā€

Iā€™ve been with him for about 3 years.



My wifes Aunt is extremely religious. When we were dating and living in sin every Xmas card would be to Mrs casinobay and partner.
Ever since we have been married it is Mrs casinobay and casinobay.


Cheers fam.

Weā€™re very lucky to still have my mum with us and Iā€™m thankful for that. Sheā€™s not the person she used to be but sheā€™s still there, you can see it in flashes every now and again, and itā€™s equally heartwarming and heartbreaking to see.

On the plus side sheā€™s developed a truly filthy laugh since her health issues. Few things make me happier than hearing that.

Shoutout to my Mam for being the most inspirational person in my life, with my Dad close behind her. If I didnā€™t have them Iā€™d be lost.


As much as they are flawed and regularly piss me off, my family are pretty awesome and I probably donā€™t deserve all they have done for me considering I can seem to give all that much back.

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She doesnā€™t include the animals? Heartless!

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