Thread for having the social board make decisions for you

BB has enough going on that it’s definitely worth a rewatch, and you’ve probably most of the layers behind Sopranos and The Wire.

That said, what are the other major dramas that you’ve been meaning to watch but haven’t yet? Might choose one of them above BB tbh, like Friday Night Lights or Mad Men or something.

It used to be on Netflix but seems to now be on Amazon Prime, well worth it!

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not seen Friday Night Lights - any cop? Have seen mad men twice though.

Yeah I love it, Coach is one of the best characters from modern American tv and the whole show is just really affecting. Really sincere and heartfelt without being too cloying. Great score from EITS too :ok_hand:

Not too heavy on the American football aspects either, as long as you can buy into the dramatic aspects of sports in general. Gets a bit melodramatic at times but I prefer that tbh to how self-serious some of the big dramas can get.

In summary, GBOquarterbacks

EDIT: Also if the episode “The Son” doesn’t destroy you then I don’t know if you really have emotions anymore.


I have a female friend with whom my TV thinks I have had previous sexual relations (I have not). I would like to hang out with this friend because…well, we’re friends. I know that my TV doesn’t like my friend, or at least is suspicious of the platonic nature of our friendship, and that hanging out with my friend would upset/annoy her.

I don’t really know what to do in this situation. Should I:

  • Tell my TV that I want to hang out with my friend sometimes and that we’re just friends
  • Basically accept that the friendship has to end because it upsets/annoys my TV

0 voters

Might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb

(I don’t mean this and it isn’t quite the right phrase. goodbye)

Oh good lord no.

Talk over why your TV has this insecurity and see if there’s anything you can do to help her become comfortable with the scenario.

Have done before. I think she believes me that nothing non-platonic has ever happened or will ever happen, but she would still definitely be unimpressed with hanging out with her one on one.

Hang out with your friend in secret


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I think Option A might work in some relationships, but the fact you are asking on here suggests option B might be the safer option if you want to stay in your relationship

Option A is the “right” option, of course, but I know that it would cause an argument and upset.

why does tv think youve boned anyway? did you know pal before you and tv got together?

Yes. Ex work colleague.


I was in a relationship with someone who was like this, it didn’t last. I think if one party is attempting to dictate to the other who you can or can’t spend time with, it’s not a good sign in the long-term*

*Obviously if you have banged (you can tell us) then she has a case

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Extremely unhelpful advice. Have a word with yourself, ffs.


I know, right! Fuck sake, @numbers.

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Sizzling sexual chemistry.