Guess who’s back
Best station
Antwerp is so boss, probably my favourite place I’ve been in Europe
Have fun in Belgium folks!
I’m in Belgium!!
Me too!
Where in Belgium are u? I’m in Borgloon but about to leave (not because you’re here)
It would serve him right. He left Australia because I came here
I’m in Giverny now I’m afraid was just passing through!
Here we go again!!
B to the e to the l to the g to the i to the u to the m
Sorry, I’ve not been very rigorous in updating this thread when I’m in Belgium
Passing through on the train, being assailed by nostalgie
I have a question
I am not in Belgium, but I will be soon
would they prefer it (in Flanders) if I spoke to them in English or French, outside of “yes”, “no” and “thank you” which I can just about manage in Flemish/Dutch
In Flanders, English in my experience!
Am, fleetingly, in Belgium
So am I!