Thursday evening chat


I have had Thai food. I am wearing my Jedi knight dressing gown and have no intention of taking it off until I’ve seen Rogue One, on Saturday. Good thing it’s dress down Friday tomorrow.

No big plans for this evening. Or small ones either, tbqfh.

it’s the 15th anniversary of its release so there’s a restoration and new screenings

i’m a bit nervous about it tbh

Got to walk 15 minutes to go to a mate’s gig. Cba. Going now though c ya l8r

Wow, that long ago!? Mental.

Best of luck! Remember that your main job is just to get him talking, it’s not hugely important to have super clever questions or anything. Anything that gets him talking does the job.

Has he done anything aince The Box?

yeah, I know! makes me feel a little bit old

that’s good advice, will try not to complicate it!

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nope! not to my knowledge. had a look at imdb and there doesn’t seem to be anything

that’s the big question (which I will probably pussfoot around)

Ask him if he has anything in the pipeline !

Greetings, welcome to Manchester - could have given you a tour this afternoon :slight_smile:


yeah this will be one of the questions

Sadly I was working all day, but I would love to do one of your tours one day! I don’t know Manchester at all, although I am getting well acquainted with Wilmslow Road and its eateries at least.

Whats the interview for, a websitr/magazine/online channel?


thanks :slight_smile:

Wilmslow Road? I live on that

Going to my office christmas party tomorrow. Not been here long so it might be awkward and boring. BUT it might also be funny watching loads of senior people get very drunk? Also theres a few people here that I think I’ll get along well with so maybe we’ll become friends etc

someone i know just did a #tbt to something that happened two weeks ago

My pleasure

#tbt to the time ericthefourth got annoyed by someone doing a #tbt to a time that he deemed too recent to be #tbt’d