How are you treating yourself these days? I’m not very good at treating myself, and I think I should treat myself more.
Cake / sweets / something unhealthy as a ‘treat’ for going to the supermarket. Problem is, I live 50m from the supermarket. Too many treats.
Got a deep tissue massage to treat myself but no one told me it’s actually torture
I’m really not good at treating myself. Maybe a walk and a birdwatch. But don’t have the money for a nice extravagance I wouldn’t normally purchase.
Treat myself all the time, nice meals out mainly.
Quite bad unfortunately.
I keep thinking I should treat myself to a foot massage one day but I’m not sure how.
According to a friend who was a nurse in a geriatric ward feet are one of the most important things people should take care of, but they rarely do.
Is funny how your brain can judge the worth of something too though
Like there’s albums I won’t buy until they’re discounted in a sale (even just £5 off) then on the way to buy it I’ll go grab a mediocre brownie for £4 anyway. Shoulda just got the full price album months earlier and enjoyed it for longer!
Tasty, tasty wine.
Going to see live music is the only treat I can really afford/refuse to give up. Even if it’s a tiny local show I try and see at least 1 gig a week at the moment.
Probably too much tbh. Although it’s lots of little treats. Should take a break for a while, save up and have a nice big treat.
Yeah, I think this is my issue at the moment. (CW brief chat about weight etc) I’ve been trying to snack less / lose weight / exercise more - and my default ‘treats’ have all been food related
There’s also a part of me that feels weird for treating myself when I’ve (potentially) got two children to put through uni (and actually, we’re not 100% sure what will happen with the eldest in terms of her future independence) so although we’re in a relatively comfortable position financially I’ve still got a mentality that avoids spending on unnecessary ‘nice stuff’
Go on holiday quite a bit.
Books mainly, lush cosmetics and occasionally eating out.
Getting a cleaner has been the best treat recently, not having to clean is amazing
Guitar pedals that go BNERRRRRR in almost imperceptibly different ways to the ones I already have
Pixels and/or frames
matcha latte
A tasty craft beer feels like a treat to me
Ruffers mentioned live music, but to me that’s a way of life rather than a treat
Black jacks.
Offer them round safe in the knowledge that virtually nobody likes them. People say ‘ooh, they turn your mouth black’, but as I never look in the mirror, I am happily oblivious.
The perfect treat imo.