Trump 2018 - Road to Midterms/Nuclear War

I’m with the chapo boys on this that he never fucked her, just sat on the bed and told a rambling anecdote about a party he attended in the 80s before making her watch 2 hours of footage from his rallies.

But yeah, attacking a guy voted in on the basis of being King Ape for his infidelity is not tactical genius, is it.

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oh yeah, he never humped her, he doesn’t fuck.

fairly puritanical “heaven forfend, he hath lay with an unclean woman!” attitude from people who should really know better too. poor stormy. first she has to take shit from this pig and his lawyers and now Rachel fkn Maddow liberals are lecturing her about morality :frowning_face:

“Hi everybody!”

“Hi Dr Bornstein!”


Even grimmer:


Malazan Book of the Fallen:

What’s Maddow said about her?

Dunno, was just the first archetypal lib that popped into my head tbh.

ahhh, like Wolf Blitzer? I thought Maddow was the one that’s actually pretty switched on.

Ya, she used to be ok but trump has broken her brain. All she talks about now is Russia. Its not like she’s the only one tho.

what’s any of this got to do with @bugduv? why does there have to be some strange 80s cultural reference awkwardly shoehorned into every single post?


dont make fun of sexual assault then, dickhead

sure yeah no you just made a poll making light of him, a sexual predator, ignoring the sexual assault. dont do that

easy done when the decisions theyre making arent affecting your life directly i guess

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I’ve got a feeling Rudy G’s going to outdo Scarramucci.

Speaking of which:

“I know that that was a strategic deployment of the information. It caught everybody off guard, and then of course the fire started with a lot of media pundits saying it was impulsive. And it wasn’t impulsive at all. It was actually quite strategic”

Lol shit the bed on purpose guys!


Strategically deploying his turds for the epic win.

