
Alright? Work in a bit but it’s :partying_face:day so that’s nice. Wild wind and rain here too, absolutely loving it tbh. What, though, about you?

Morning Funkhouser, and subsequent DiSsers.

Today is my 13th wedding anniversary. I’m genuinely alarmed at how quickly 13 years has passed.

I’m going to celebrate with back to back zoom meetings obviously.



Everything is awful.
Really, really terrible.

Well, it’s fine really, I’m just so bored.


Absolutely belting it down here.
Rain woke me up at 5.30.

Today is my Friday so this is the best Tuesday in years. Need to get some balsamic vinegar. I lead an exciting life.


Playing Picross. Bit chilly. Might wear something other than shorts for the first time in months today :scream:

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I’ve got a cob in my mind for lunch.

Briefly crossed my mind too but no, gotta stick with it till at least my birthday.


What kind of cob have you got in mind?

I could really fancy a chip cob right now. Yes, it is only 7:45am.

Vegan sausages, facon, mature cheddar, onion, mushrooms and mustard. Maybe tomatoes, peppers or lettuce too, or I might make a side salad

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When’s yr bday funky?

21st Sept.

Don’t know if I can be arsed going swimming

Morning all.

Rubbish night’s sleep. I just couldn’t drop off. And it seems when I finally did I somehow inexplicably knackered my right knee and ankle. How? What the fuck do I do while I’m asleep?

But on the plus side…nope, I got nothing. I hoped if I started typing that I’d think of something positive.

Hope you’re all well and haven’t somehow injured yourselves while sleeping.

Back to work. Feeling totally flat and detached from a lot of things atm. Pretty sleepy but slept for 9hrs last night for the first time in ages.

Stupid bathroom tap, which has been dodgy anyway, is not turning off at all. Won’t go cold, won’t turn off. It’s stuck. :angry:

I really don’t want to call my landlord about this because he gets really stressy when things don’t work apparently but also I am NOT trying to fix a tap by myself in case I fuck it up

Rain’s on. Can’t enjoy it because until my roof’s fixed I’ll be worrying the house is going to fall down.

Slept badly, some fucking house alarm started going off at midnight and it was just loud enough for me to latch on to so that’s all I could hear, then it did the thing of stopping for 5 mins then starting again. It was a massive house the otherside of the road of my close and the occupants were either: a) dead b) deaf or c) not in. Had no idea what to do, as it was about 1am at this point so I put earplugs in, shut the window and put the fan on.

Discovered these are a thing yesterday and not a ghastly mock up

I’m still in bed. I’ve got work. I cba. I always cba.



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