TV/Netflix/Amazon Prime/Apple etc series thread for 2022

I like Crooked Rain :stuck_out_tongue:


My official review of The Midnight Club is that it’s “fine”. Wish they lent more into the cult stuff.

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Fun show. Very preposterous. I love the way Jim Caviezel strokes his ear wherever he may be, and whoever might be around, not that anyone ever notices. Completely unnecessary, just have a voice activated gizmo if you’re trying to be ‘high tech’!


The White Lotus?

That’s the one

Only seen one episode so not sure, worth asking in the thread

Same composer, but different soundtrack. At least for the theme music…

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I’ll inevitably accidentally read spoilers if I go in there

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Is it the opening credit song you’re talking about? I can’t recall too much general music in this season but think it would be the same or similar. The title song has been remixed and it’s much more anxiety inducing as ramps up and is erratic.

No, if it was the opening credits I would just fast forward wouldn’t I :wink::joy:

It’s the dododododo tension building and dramatic organ stuff

I’m not really too sure I can recall. I’ll watch the next ep on Monday eve and let you know when it’s fresh in my mind.


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Slightly wrong. This article has the main composer talking through the music, not all original but all new for series 2

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I bailed out at episode 7 - it can be done!

The soundtrack for season one of The White Lotus had a heavy Hawaiian influence so I’m assuming season 2 is somewhat different.

I’ve yet to start the second season myself.

Dammit. I’ve caught up with the released episodes of The Peripheral and it’s back to waiting for 1 a week, like some schmuck watching Andor.

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Watched the first episode of The Patient on Disney+. It was aaaalright.

HVe a lot time for both leads, so hoping the script is decent as it’ll be a winner for me if so.