UK Politics: February 2025 - Roses are red...

Labour are gory…

And remember…


Close thread, can’t be arsed. I don’t like politics, they’re shite.


While nothing is happening can i ask this.

So before the election the snp, owen jones and numerous others were saying that there was a £30 billion black hole that the tories and labour were not telling you about. This was dismissed.

Day one in office, labour “oh no, there’s a black hole in the public finances”. But as far as i know no-one has since asked the question “Were you ignorant or were you lying?”


Just heard Charlotte Owen on the radio. I realised every time I hear her name it hits me funny and that the reason for that is that those are my nieces middle names.

I think I might be losing my marbles.

[not intended as a reply to that post sorry. Still getting used to the reply button moving]

Probably not terribly smart to go into an election drawing attention to the fact you’re going to have to put taxes up and make cuts straight away. Also the added benefit that you can then say you’re shocked when you finally “open up the books”.

And the bonus of annoying Owen jones of course

I’d be surprised if nobody had asked them the question. The truthful answer is obviously “lying”, but equally obviously that wouldn’t be the answer given.


Very cosy

I want “accepted the boots but turned down the cowboy hat” to become a standard political metaphor. (Not a metaphor but I can’t think of the right word)


Like in 2019, the media did an awful lot to drag their man over the line, and they’re not going to make themselves look foolish by highlighting what they ignored eight month ago.

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Tony’s had his idea again


The main cover for the government on the finance issue is hunts ridiculous pre election budget which was just a mass of porkies. All reeves had to do was say she trusted the treasury to provide correct figures but then discovered it was all nonsense when she reviewed it

bearing in mind how much we now know about what the state knows about us, and how easily it/private outfits can track us… what would an ID card actually achieve?

I have to use my phone to create an email account at this point. I’m constantly monitored.

What’s the next step ID cards would usher in?

“We didn’t have access to the books.”

(Edit: ah, I see @colinfilth has basically already said the same thing.)

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Euphemism? Innuendo? :person_shrugging:

In your endo.

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I think probably idiom.

Fair enough. But no need for name calling doofus.

Oh. Idio-m. :clown_face:


Me at the Nazi rally: what a lovely time I’m having here with you guys. And apropos of nothing, I’m just gonna mention that Corbyn was antisemitic! Aww, look, that fella is sending his heart out to the crowd and to the president, isn’t that super.


But it’s annoying him by proving him right?


True but it’s hardly like he had an exclusive on his hands was it