Think this (or something similar) is the one I’ve got:
Think this (or something similar) is the one I’ve got:
It’s so much better than a shit regular mop. Regular mops be damned.
Have a Hoover pet care something or other upright. Does the job.
Would love a nice miele or bosch - My Mum has a really nice bosch one.
I’ve considered their water-sucking pal, Neumatic (?) just for the versatility of being able to use it for unblocking sinks.
my mam bought one when b&q were having a clearance. she was unemployed at the time and just generally looking for hobbies. spent about two weeks straight steaming every inch of the house then has only used it once or twice on the stairs since.
They’re all Numatic.
Charles or George, maybe?
Ah, it’s one I see the cleaners using here. It looks like a Henry but the writing on the front just says Numatic (or maybe Neumatic? I’m sure it was a slightly odd spelling) and it’s more of a powder-blue colour. I just presumed it was a less cutesy design from the same company (and probably better).
+1 for Miele, think ours is a C3. Superb.
Nothing. They’re great and last forever. You ever see a tradesperson using a Dyson? No.
Just bought a miele one because we needed HEPA - it’s a billion times better than the dyson we were using.
Dysons are worse than Henrys, yes.
I’ve never seen a trades-person doing any vacuuming.
+1 for Miele C3 - CATS AND DOGS edition.
Well… there you are then.
Got a Henry and a Van (handheld) - I am shameless.
This is what we have it is pretty great. Got a chargeable handheld shiz for the kitchen too cause that gets in more of a state than the rest of the gaff
Dunno, it’s not a proper brand. My housemate bought it for a tenner from a cash converters shortly after we moved in. Does the job like. Bit saddening that someone had to porn their vacuum cleaner, mind.
Numatic have been quite subtle with their Henry push in Germany, there.
They’re not actually that good, and they’re liked by people like BBC3.
That’s a bona fide double IDIOT DICKHEAD, that is.