Wed-nes-day morning thread

I don’t understand the question

taking a lot of effort to not want to end it all today. I need to not think about anything

Oh sorry, it’s a Liverpool/North Western thing.

“What’s the do” means “what’s the matter?” or “is there anything you want to talk about?”

England probably needs to play a few other nations, although I guess they probably have a decent chance of beating Italy at cricket.

what’s a NAS?

I feel very much the same, so I feel your pain. Luckily I have a son, so the guilt of actually acting on anything will (hopefully) always win out. Probably not the healthiest solution, but fuck all else is doing it.

I’m still enjoying your album, you should be very proud.

I think that’s what’s making me feel the worst, I was kind of able to ignore everything whilst I had a little project to dream about, now it’s done and I don’t feel any different. It’s a huge crushing bummer!

Thank you for being nice about it though anyway and stay strong for the ones who love and depend on you x


that thing is so miserable

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Not much really, i’m just stressed out at work and quite tired.
But also I have this problem with my ears (still waiting for testing if I am going deaf or its something else) and i’ve got into a bad habit with my bf that I just go “whaaaaa?” when I can’t hear with he says (usually he is mumbling or I have my back to him or i’m doing something else) and he kind of snapped a bit yesterday and told me it was annoying him and I should at least change it up every now and then and say “pardon?” or “could you repeat that?”.
Cause i’m tired and stressed, it proper upset me and I’ve just been a bit low since.

Sounds so pathetic but i’m massively worried I am going deaf or that it’s like my brain isn’t getting the information from my ears quick enough as my initial reaction is to be like “what?” but soon as what has come out of my mouth, my brain knows what he has said. He doesn’t get this and is just like “you’re not going deaf, don’t be stupid” THEN WHY YOU KEEP MOANING THAT I SAY WHAT ALL THE TIME grrrr

Morning - tired, not much to report

Don’t really have a favorite airport, I;m not very well traveled. Heathrow was good the one time I got to use the Virgin lounge thing


best airport: Samui Airport - the terminals are like a series of huts, it’s incredible:

don’t think I’ve ever really gone for an early airport pint, any time I’ve flown early I’ve been on my own. have started drinking upon waking up while on holiday though so 10am-ish

not much on today


I’m no ear expert (or anything expert, for that matter) but I have problems semi-regularly and it does REALLY get me down.

Also, my partner’s very quiet and hates repeating herself.

Do you feel congested? Can you hear a ringing?

At least you’ve got it tested. Because I’m so stubborn and lazy I just sort of waited for things to pass.

er, I think so? :smiley: landing there is so much fun too, you’re right in the middle of this tropical paradise

Oh yeah, Madeira aiport is pretty sweet. Always gets voted as one of the scariest but the scenery when landing is beaut.

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What it is is my ears make a cracking nose every time i move my jaw or mouth or i can just make them crack without moving anything. It’s very painful and uncomfortable! It’s given me a constant ear ache but I have to wait to see a specialist now and have been in this much pain for months and months.

He’s making me more worried that I am going deaf by pulling me up on constantly for asking him to repeat it. But then I express how worried I am that my hearing is going and he’s like “don’t be silly”
It’s confusing me. Either I am or i’m not. I told the Dr he always gets the hump that I ask him to repeat stuff and she says thats a sign you are going deaf! I’m probably not going deaf, he’s probably just being a dick.

Cristiano Ronaldo International Airport*

OMG! He’s normally so modest and humble about his Madeiran upbringing.

Office dog has some serious digestive issues :skull_crossbones:

Yeah, that sounds like what I get - it’s usually just congestion, and it usually comes around as the seasons are changing (or when I’ve spent some time underwater) and it always goes eventually.

Still a VERY good idea to get it checked out though!