
Genuine question: is that an okay thing to do?

Yours sincerely, [man who’s genuinely not sure where they fall on the scale of that annoying cartoon with a woman calling HR because an unattractive man is talking to her, but who likes the idea of chatting to people in social settings but is also extremely wary of being weird and creepy and absolutely doesn’t talk to people because of this wariness…]

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Getting my suit ready bud it’s too late to stop the train now. Toot toot motherinlawfucker

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Depends on the context and how subtle you are. I could also be completely wrong here and this person was just being friendly.

I’d say as a rule of thumb don’t go up to random people at the gym. The vast majority of people will not want that attention. I just didn’t really mind on this occasion cause it was subtle and the person didn’t come across as creepy. Seemed more like someone gauging interest than an approach.

Personally quite keen for these kinds of interactions not to be over policed cause otherwise the only way anyone would ever meet is on a god awful dating app.


Someone opened their front door to let the cat out right as we were walking past. That was a near disaster with a semi-wild animal, I guess…

Feeling pretty meh today. Combination of too much beer, not enough food and not enough sleep. But so worth it. Had a blast last night. Excellent gig, excellent DiSsers.

Out on the coast for now scouting out a kite surfing launch for my map. Heading back to base soon. Via a shop for lunch.

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This has a very ‘side quest for computer game’ sense to it.

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I’ve got a friend who launches off of Hove beach when it’s a bit blowy out, but sensibly I’d have thought somewhere a bit further away from big metal structures at sea would be preferable

Didn’t put a pod in with my washing, fucks sake, back on it goes

Just reminded me that I meant to put the washing on before I left the house…


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I am really quite low. Probably the lowest I’ve been in a while. I know why - missing my kids and ex, and my dog - but it has kind of creeps up on me.

Really affecting my productivity.

I did get good news that my next project is a go, just that they’ve waited a little too long and now it will be delayed by my holiday.

Booked my next tattoo :partying_face:

Still in an emotional slump. Wishing I was playing BG3 instead of doing work, but here we are.


Using ai to transcribe some scanned documents. Was genunely about to hand type hundreds of pages myself.

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Going home to the dentist (really should move to somewhere closer to current house however it’s once/twice a year, I’ve been going since I was 9 and we want to go home at somepoint at whcih point staying with the dentist will have seemed a stroke of genius) and I should arrive just as North Chad school are getting out so that will be fun.

Rate my meal deal


That pint’s a bit short. I’m marking it down for that.

The roast beef Burts are 10/10 alone

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Had a sip or two out of it tbf.


I don’t usually like beef crisps but they’re pretty good


need more information what are the sannies?