Happy humpday everyone! What does Wednesday hold for you?
I am WFH. Might get a haircut at some point.
We put our wedding guestbook baubles up last night for that Christmas - one of my finest ideas, that.
Got a bit of a noddy day today. Pro bono/volunteering work all morning (which is very important to me), then straight off to a networking/CPD lunch thing that’ll see me through the afternoon.
Making Japanese curry for dinner tonight.
Mate what’s wrong with your Christmas tree, it looks ill.
BTW morning threaders, I’m very close to getting my ‘Empathetic’ badge today. Need to dish out a few more likes, so I may be more ‘liberal’ with my affections than normal. Please take my approval with a pinch of salt.
It’s a bonsai silver birch
Massive massive case of the cbas
Lazarus tonight. Where should we eat around King’s Cross?
I’m about 50 likes received above likes given so im going to go on a like spree too. Infact, you can have one now…
No idea what to do today
I’m wearing a regulation office worker blue shirt and navy (hate this word) chinos. Do I go with:
- Black shoes
- Brown (tan) shoes
- Albuquerque
0 voters
Wouldn’t advise that anyone zooms in on the baubles, the ones on the tree arent the only…well…baubles on display
We have got this new thing at work where there is a ‘mystery’ meal placed on your desk in the morning by a ‘mystery’ person they do your desk all up with a table cloth and candle/decorations and you have to video yourself eating it all and put it up on the works intranet…appear to be my turn today to be ‘Foodied’ (Not sure I can stomach beef stew at this time of the morning but If I dont do it by 10am I lose a day’s holiday at Christmas as a forfeit)
Saw Low last night. They were phenomenal as always, and the christmas stuff was sweet. They brought Ben Watt out at one point, much to the apparent bemusement of the audience.
Stayed at a really iffy hotel on Caledonian Road after; I’m quite itchy this morning. Not a good sign, eh?
Now, work.
Stepped on my housemate’s dog in the dark this morning. Oops. Hope he isn’t limping!!
CBA today. Can never be arsed eh
feel a million times better than i did at this point yesterday.
it’s really very mild up here today, could really have done without the scarf.
Enjoy the fresh winter air on my behalf?
Yeah might be time to out of bed and fill up the thermos.
it is, isn’t it? missed the bus so walked to work and had to strip off a few layers
just had a gregg’s breakfast roll, mmmm. going to buy a nice shirt for the christmas party later, that’s about it
Obviously Dishoom.