
Have a work trip to Wellington, NZ coming up. Will be on my own for three days before meeting others. Any recommendations for what I can do (other than shaking the jetlag)? How would it feel being out at night on your own?

do you like craft beer and/or coffee?


firstly my friend runs this (yes he is a Black Flag fan) although it might be a bit out of your way if you’re staying in the city

the best beers are made by


Asked my mate who moved there a few years ago and is never coming back

Breweries and bars I like:
Garage project
The library
Rogue and vagabond
Little beer quarter
Double Vision and Parrot dog are good but hard to get to without a car.

Touristy things:
Mt Victoria lookout
Weta workshop tour
Oriental bay for a swim if weather is good
Te papa museum
Cuba street

Restaurants and cafes:
Charley noble
Mother of coffee
The Hangar


This is brilliant. Dis delivering the goods. Thanks!

Reckon I’ll check out a Garage Project at least. Reckon the coffee shop is a bit further out than I’ll end up going, but have saved it on my map just in case.

Wow. Well done. I haven’t been to Wellington in about 8 years to be fair. The council have been running the main city into the ground and it’s kind of dying. But I’m sure there’s still plenty to do. If I travel for work, I have to stay in a smaller shithole town out of the city and can’t drink/drive so I end up not going to the bars

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