Were you an annoying child?

no, i was great

still am tbf

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I was polite and well-behaved but a total prick at the same time. I was also scared of everything and incredibly panicky/anxious which was incredibly annoying. Nothing has really changed.

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Early on i think I was ok but then the culmination of my parents being dicks, my half brother moving out when I was very small so sort of only-childing me, and never being allowed to have friends over to play with led to me being very irritating

I’ve voted but the option doesn’t say what I thought it did. I was smacked, and it didn’t improve my behaviour. It did give me a lasting memory of being smacked, and I actually don’t have any nice memories of my mum as they’ve all been replaced by her whacking my thighs and she didn’t even do it that much.

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Was smacked with a slipper once for saying the word bugger (didn’t even know it was a swear word). It was enough to make me not do it again so…

I think it can have a role in child discipline as long as it is used very very sparingly and not hard enough to hurt the child

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Still somehow against physical discipline despite how annoying you all were as children.

How can we say its not OK to hit adults but it’s OK to hit children?

Totally wrong.
My mum once smacked my sister on the leg with a hairbrush because she’d been being mean to me, I then cried because I felt really bad that my sister had got into trouble ‘because of me’.


Because there’s a big difference between hitting someone with the intent of causing them physical harm and using restrained physical methods of discipline to try and correct bad behaviour.

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Violence is wrong… But it’s fine to hit children whose brains haven’t developed yet. Nope.


I don’t think anyone here wants to punch a child.

Being smacked hurts and instils fear!


speak for yourself


I meant except me.

And yet I enjoy it so much as an adult??


Yeah but that’s different, isn’t it :wink:


I’m not saying it doesn’t, but my point is there’s a big difference between violence between/towards adults and (most) smacking.

[spoiler] Spoilered for obvious reasons

[spoiler]I get that, but my point still stands. When I was smacked* it wasn’t a light tap, it hurt and it was done out of anger and a loss of control on my mum’s part. I love my parents and think they were just trying to do the best for me, but I would hope I would never discipline my child that way.

*I can only remember a couple of occasions, I just want to make it clear this was not a common occurance and my parents were very loving.

There’s a lot of cognitive dissonance going on in the ‘corporal punishment for children is ok’ camp.

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alright kid, vile teenager

I think a lot of it comes from whatever your personal experience is tbh. I was smacked lightly a fair bit (I was quite naughty tbf) and didn’t misbehave in certain ways afterwards so it worked on me. Obviously that’s not the case for everyone or necessarily anyone else but I can only speak from my POV.

Fuck sake