WEvening. A wednesday evening thread

I’ll book Wembley.

Bread Brothers

A night of comedy, based on the imagined marriage between the heir of the Primula cheese company and the heiress of the Rank Hovis Corporation.

“Shrimp-ly the best!” - rob.orch


“He left the toilet seat up”
“That was the yeast of her worries, so she didn’t rise to it!”
“But did he at least give her free Primula”
“Oh much better than that, she got a wholemeal”
“Did he drive her around?”
“No, he always took the tube”

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I’m horrendous.


“I was Rowland on the floor laughing” - scout

(This is only funny if you know one of Primula Ministers sons is called Rowland)


What a rat!

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Bloody hell


Still better than @japes’ REM ‘joke’

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I miss @laelfy

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I’m imagining some kind of bitter rivalry between the Primula Minister’s son and Big Dairylea. Maybe he’s still mad he didn’t invent Dunkers

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Has she gone? Did I miss something?

Just haven’t seen her around since before I had my little break, it says she hasn’t signed in for a few days.

Add in Philadelphia and you’ve got a Dairylea Triangle

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And that laughing cow ain’t laughing now!

That could be a line in it.

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Do you think the heir of a squeezy cheese corporation would go out with me?

We have quite a lot in common.

You could say we have Primula interests

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Loaf at first sight, it was.

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Are you going to try it on with all of them? You’d be spreading yourself a bit thin.

(Go to bed Rob)


But as the months went on, things went stale. And eventually they parted.

It was Hovis so soon.

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So sorry, everyone.


I got a ‘colon_closed_bracket liked 12 of your posts’ out of it, I’m happy.

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