What colour was your school uniform?

what’s a chat?

N’est pas un chien.

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Primary school: blue jumpers; blue and white tie

Secondary: black blazer, white shirts, black and gold tie
Sixth Form: black shirts were allowed and the tie was black with blue, white and yellow stripes

a french cat

Charcoal grey, that’s what it actually said.

  • Red and black tie at one school.
  • “Gold” (yellow) and black tie at the other.
  • blue
  • blue
  • black and white
  • none

primary - red & black
secondary - blue

Primary: red
Secondary: Navy blue jumper, blue and red tie that they changed to red and blue. Money grabbing school/uniform shop conspiracy I reckon.

I attended 13 Schools in total so the average, probably Blue or was it green or ?

Salmon pink

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Grey green and yellow. It was monstrous


primary - white shirt blue jumper
secondary - white shirt red jumper black and red tie