Yes! That was it
how long does it have to stay up for? (wahey?)
So you like vitamin C eh?
If you don’t eat your vitamins it’s good does nowt if you eat yer vitamins
Placebo or not, it genuinely helps my comedowns no end
You can’t use more than your RDA of vitamins. If you eat a vaguely balanced diet you will get this, meaning things like berocca just give you expensive urine as you get rid of what you don’t need. Vit D is the one which is probably worth taking a supplement for, but hard evidence there is generally lacking.
Vitamin C has some evidence of helping shortern the length of a cold if taken within a few days of catching it. Otherwise it’s a load of crap init? Unless you have vitamin deficiencies
I have one of the Tesco own brand Vitamin C + Zinc jobbies every day. Happy to max out on both of those so even though my diet’s good I’ll happily piss the rest of it out.
Don’t understand the fuss about Berocca specifically mind. Absolute snakeoil re: hangovers - the water you’ve dissolved it in is what helps hangovers (not that anything really helps).
^This. It takes a few hours to absorb vitamins so even if you are deficient in anything, you won’t feel any benefit from Berocca right away
Cause it’s only got little legs
for doing pee porn so that there is colour back in your pee after drinking close to a gallon of water.
I have heard