What’s that thing where people drill a hole in their head?

I think the skin grows back over the hole eventually? No sure

Oh god, remember the dowsing thread?

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No no, it heals over quite quickly I think.

The only things that worry me about doing this is a) what if I got distracted or sneezed whilst doing it? Cause you would have to do it yourself. And b) what if I do it and someone looks in and confirms there’s… nothing in there. Just empty space with a little demon rat running round in circles in there. That would be quite a crushing blow.

Every person who’s had it done says they’re glad they did!

The only things? Just two things that worry you about sticking a metal tool through your skull bone?

Have you thought about becoming a royal marine commando?

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I’m an optimist! It’d be fiiine

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They called it trephining in my lessons

Also what happens when you sneeze after you do it? You’d have to be confident that the feeling of zen calm, increase in psychic powers, ability to talk to animals etc. was worth the additional admin of another oozing hole in your bonce.

Features in the movie Unfriended: Dark Web

I vaguely remember Doogie Howser drilling into someone’s head to save their life.
That’s all I’ve got.

Did you see they are rebooting Doogie Howser MD?

modern interpretation is unlike the original in that it’ll follow a 16-year-old mixed-race girl named Lahela “Doogie” Kameāloha who indeed is a teenage doctor.

Yes, the show will take place in Hawaii (we’re here for the views of paradise) and it’ll find Lahela learning from and growing with her Irish mother, her supervisor at work, and her father, a Hawaiian local.

Big Elon is trying to get people doing it isn’t he.

This thread has made me reaaaally squeamish. Can’t cope with the thought of a melted custard tart…


I did not know this, but I think it sounds good. Who isn’t here for views of paradise?

They should reboot Eerie Indiana too imo

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Funny you should say that (I agree with that but I don’t know lots of these programmes)

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Right, listening to Cave In all day now.

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You wake up one morning with a hole in your head. You can fit your finger in it. Would you…

  • Give your brain a little tickle, just to see
  • Don’t

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I don’t know most of these but no one needs a reboot of Hanging with Mr Cooper. It wasn’t an original concept or anything.

Are you asking if we would or should?