I’m cutting down on caffeine, having reduced to one coffee per day in the morning (which I’ll be cutting out… at some point…).
Currently I drink water and occasionally decaffeinated Earl Grey at work. However, I’m so bored of it. I also don’t drink alcohol anymore and although I enjoy my AF beers at home it would be nice to switch it up.
I used to have a Pepsi Max addiction and I miss drinking it so much. I don’t think my body could handle that much caffeine anymore and it gives me sleep issues (welcome to my thirties) so I’m after some other alternatives.
I thought about buying OJ and refrigerating it at work. However, I threw out half a carton of OJ that had been in my fridge for a couple of months the other day.
I don’t like squash / diluting.
I used to drink sparkling water because I didn’t like the taste of tap water where I lived, but the tap water here is nice and I have too much climate guilt to go back to consuming plastic bottles. Getting a Soda Stream is not an option.
Any suggestions for this pursuit of novelty for my taste buds?
Maybe I just have to accept nice things are bad and boring things are good?
This question about drinks being “boring” has cropped up quite a bit on DiS (mostly in relation to quitting booze) and every time I see it, it always blows my mind that my brain doesn’t really consider drinks in this way
(I guess I just think I need to keep myself hydrated and water does that fine, though I do chug coffee and tea throughout the day).
What about herbal teas? IME they just smell nice and don’t taste of anything, but I reckon if you were willing to splash some cash you might be able to find some nice ones which would mix it up a bit.
Do you know, it’s funny because I quit Pepsi a little while ago but it has only started bothering me consistently since I’ve started a new (more boring) job and started working in an office rather than from home.
Maybe the problem is in my mind rather than my tastebuds…
Ginger beer? Ginger or elderflower cordial, if they don’t count as diluting drinks? I also make a great lime cordial which is killer with tonic water and a splash of bitters (optional)
TBH I don’t drink anywhere near enough water and I reckon the reason is cos I find it really fucking boring but am I going to do anything about it? Probably not.