Mix of football, rugby and cricket really…
Don’t think any of the teams were much good though
Mix of football, rugby and cricket really…
Don’t think any of the teams were much good though
Us too but all the school cared about was the (boys) football team
Shit Comp for Shit Cunts
Couldn’t be arsed and was a cocky little shit so almost all the teachers bar the history/english departments hated my guts but still got my 3 A’s so they can go fuck themselves
Did anyone else have LTA? It basically was every Friday afternoon off to do some leisure activity of our choosing. One of which was ten pin bowling there was also ice skating, art study… I don’t know the rest because that’s all I did!
The school reached the semi finals of the Daily Mail cup a couple of times.
How did you get to school?
0 voters
No we didn’t get LTA
So did mine…(one final actually so naaah)
May have had an ongoing rivalry
Best bit was when one of the expelled naughty kids rode his moped down the alley to show off and fell off
Or when another expelled naughty kid was riding a bike on the field and the PE teacher (not football guy) rugby tackled him off and we all cheered
Bunking off
0 voters
Did you play? Our school got to the Scottish cup final a few times but never won.
All the above.
Never outside of games classes. The standard was very good.
went to possiblity the worst school in one of the worst areas of manchester that got shut down 6 months before I took my GCSEs. ended up with 2 GCSEs to my name, I blame the school entirely.
always jealous of people who went to great schools, I don’t think being given the chance of a good start to life is anything to be ashamed of at all.
parents both left before me, my sister would forge a sicknote. easiest bunking ever.
My attendance rate by year ten was under 40%. Had to literally get a piece of paper signed in every lesson eventually. Didn’t do year eleven. What a stupid cunt.
This guy was our rugby coach
I always wondered did English schools ever have to do Eisteddfod shit? Obviously it wouldn’t have been called that but we had this optional (kind of) music/poetry/acting/arts contest that’d take up a whole day of singing and dancing and listening to people ruin musicals all in the local theatre.
I won the poetry contest on my 13th birthday once and got given a crown - took it with me to be the Prince of North London obviously. So like a sports day but for utter dweebs. Prime bunking opportunity once you’re old enough to know better.
Any of you lot had to avoid that shit?