When do you think things started going to shit?

Reckon things have been going downhill since the Wisconsin Glaciation myself

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0 A.D., sometime in the spring

When Gordon Brown called that bigoted woman a bigoted woman.


same answer as ever.

Season 1 of Big Brother turned the UK gormless, entitled, and fucked.


1973 oil crisis obvs*

*serves western social democracy right for balancing it’s gains on the backs of the global south tho obvs

September 21st, 1984.


actually sorry, just started working this back a bit further and I reckon my answer is actually “agriculture”

Yeah, Brunei’s admission to the UN was a dark day.


What time was that? If it’s after I was born then I’m in the clear.

i am 3 months and a day your senior, sonny

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Different school year then you antique.

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Then again after the 2012 Olympics were done (brief couple of week reprieve)

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Between 24 and 72 hours, quicker if you go for the dodgy prawn salad.

such an odd moment of the UK being unshit




Olympics and a long summary and jubilee bank holidays (royal wedding too maybe?) and celebrations - everyone was quite cheerful for a while weren’t they?

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When that daft cunt of a fish decided to go for a wander about on the land.

Iraq invading Kuwait in the 90s, which basically started perma-war