I EARNED that right.
Yeah, that was cruelly taken away from me as well. I think we have angered @system
quick @zxcvbnm, do the thread solved thing.
I don’t even have that!
I should quit this shit hole.
Fuck sean.
And Theo.
They’re making a mug out of you!
also, thanks eric for making me go in that thread.
I’m going to flag it so they can see how much we hate them.
So tempted to move this thread to the Lounge
there’s a thread in there with your name on it
You’re mad with power!
Mad, I say!
Abiltity to move threads, access to the lounge. Way to perpetuate social hierachies theo and sean
what offensive thing did I do??!!
I was going to edit your post. But Theo says I can’t
dunno, it just says FAO sexybum/zxcvbnm
Fuck sean.
And Theo.
Probably just someone asking me for a date.
Comes with the territory.