Why can i no longer see the lounge?

I EARNED that right.


Yeah, that was cruelly taken away from me as well. I think we have angered @system

quick @zxcvbnm, do the thread solved thing.

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I don’t even have that!

I should quit this shit hole.

Fuck sean.

And Theo.


They’re making a mug out of you!

also, thanks eric for making me go in that thread.

I’m going to flag it so they can see how much we hate them.

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So tempted to move this thread to the Lounge :smiley:

there’s a thread in there with your name on it

You’re mad with power!

Mad, I say!

Abiltity to move threads, access to the lounge. Way to perpetuate social hierachies theo and sean

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what offensive thing did I do??!!

I was going to edit your post. But Theo says I can’t :frowning:

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dunno, it just says FAO sexybum/zxcvbnm


Fuck sean.

And Theo.

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Probably just someone asking me for a date.

Comes with the territory.