why do countries have different names in different languages?

That’s probably because America was colonised by a lot of different European nations and Spain was a large example of that so there would have always been Spanish speakers saying the name.

It’s weird that Wikipedia only fairly recently moved over

The article is still full of Majorcas and in fact you still have articles like this:

huge fan of the ‘welcome to The Morning Show with me, Michael Morning’ etc format no matter how many times he does it


genuinely thought Majorca and Mallorca were two neighbouring islands

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Fair enough! Don’t think I’ve ever heard a British person using Brugge, though. Same goes for Ieper/Ypres.

Also not sure if everyone originating from that region would agree that Costa Rica is its «proper name» for the very reasons Theo bring up

True, it’s also a new country on stolen land, but I guess in terms of ‘official countries’ and the names we use for them it is maybe an oddity that we appear to be using a name that hasn’t been anglicised?

Nah, easy enough to pronounce in an English accent.

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thewarn is no ordinary British person!

You beat me too it. London and Edinburgh have different names but they don’t give a shit about Glasgow or Birmingham!

Well we only anglicised a few didn’t we?

Yeah, but that’s the interesting question. Why some places get a different name and others don’t.

The Germans aren’t going to stop spelling it Majorca anytime soon.

kind of? As a colonial power I don’t think England is likely to have their heritage erased but all things being equal it’s a little bit rude

Do you genuinely think it’s disrespectful and rude?

The town is at the mouth of a river so I’ve often thought that maybe the poor mouth is an other interpretation.

On a philosophical level not on like a wow I’m offended level

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I Norwegian we spell it Mallorca, but also pronounce it Mallorca.

This is a really great thread Bam, top work everyone involved.

Also Edimbourg is loadsa fun to say so thanks for that French peeps.

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Have they at least had the decency to stop climbing them by now?

Don’t even get me started on Bayern Munich.

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Used to think The National took their name from Nacional, which is a popular name for at least half a dozen popular football teams in Spanish/Portuguese speaking countries!
