Worst film thread

Worst film I ever saw at the cinema was Meet the Spartans, which was a Scary Movie style parody film about your Troys and your 300s. Given how bad your Troys and your 300s are you can probably imagine how bad this was.

Can’t remember the last time I watched a terrible film on tv / streaming / dvd. Planning on watching United Passions (the FIFA funded FIFA film) at some point soon tho, anyone seen that?

The Blair Witch Project (1999)

  • Good film
  • Meh dunno undecided safe opinion something something
  • Shit film

0 voters

Not seen it


I love it to the point that I half wish Heather had managed to make her documentary in full, I’d watch it.

Anyone want to go camping in the woods this weekend where a famous witch supposedly haunts? I’d actually be well up for that. DiS MEAT!

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I remember watching The Last Broadcast and thinking that I liked it more than TBWP

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Sorry :frowning_face:

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The Spirit, just offensively awful.



wait - was it you…? I can’t remember :smiley:

I was wondering this actually because it seems like it would be a 15! But I was 14 in 1999 so why didn’t I go see it at the cinema??

Just checked, yep it’s a 15. That’s pretty embarrassing that you got chucked out :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That magician film is so unbearably smug.

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I’m really confused now. Are there two Blair Witch Projects??

Haha, I wouldn’t have got in either. I tried to go see The Faculty with my friends for my birthday and we got turned away, ended up going to see The Waterboy instead, wish we’d just gone to the park. (I was never cool enough to go hang out and get drunk in parks)

There was a recent remake

Have seen it. It’s an absolute stinker.

Oh, ok. I had to watch the original as part of my Gothic module at uni, and it was boring shite.

started watching it the other week. it’s more a belated sequel than a remake as it involves the kid sister of someone from the original (or something like that).
realised I could not be fucked after 10 mins.

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Kill List

Such a pointless pile of shit.

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There’s The Blair Witch Project (1999) -

and then there was the sequel to it called Blair Witch that came out the other year.

AND THEN, there was the original sequel to the first film -

I actually think it’s the better sequel and that’s realllllly saying something.

EDIT: I knew eric would answer this better and quicker than me. Haha!!

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You really never give up do you sadders?

Blair witch 2 was so shite :joy: