Would you travel in a blimp?

They can apparently take off and land from any flat patch of ground so I guess you could convert a city centre park or something, but that wouldn’t do away with things like security / immigrations / customs controls etc, so yeah seems a bit bullshit.

No, they give the willies. What’s that fear of big things called again, megalophobia? I’d shit myself being anywhere near one.

Wonder how someone becomes a blimp pilot. Might do it

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You saying there’s some sort of border down the Irish sea? The very thought!

I wonder if there’s a blimp pilot school…or if you just train to become a standard pilot and then can do a blimp add on?

I was thinking of the Seattle / Vancouver route too, but tbh I’ve not been to Northern Ireland so don’t know what processes are involved in flying / getting the ferry there.

Maybe you turn to flight school and depending on the aptitude tests, you are put on a plane, helicopter, blimp, hot air balloon or hang glider etc

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Ooh that might be it…tbf, I don’t think I could be trusted with anything more than the hang glider… :smiley:

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why the fuck would you write that on the side?

“Oh yeah, that’s what it is.”

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Depends - will ice cube be involved?

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‘Seen it all happen happen now’.

I could do the hot air balloon, just say the weather isn’t right each time and have the day off

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I would love to see this, absolutely love to see it. They’re actually pretty safe now too. Now if we could get gyrocopters going too we could live in the futurist drawings from the 1920s like we were promised!


Now that’s a plan.

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5 hours Liverpool to Belfast isn’t it 20 minutes by plane?

… is there a bar on it?


That contains flammable liquid? On a Blimp?!!

Not a clue

holy shit

anything that makes the world more like a Final Fantasy game is good with me