Writing in to TV shows

Ever do this?

When I was about 7, I wrote a letter to Jim 'll Fix It asking to have my teacher at school killed. I’d run the idea past my parents and to my surprise, they not only didn’t have a problem with the idea, but thought it was great and helped me write it. In retrospect, I realise that they did not share my enthusiasm for the same reason. Never got a reply, which was a shame.

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State of that signature


ron was notorious for not handing best wishes out lightly so that’s actually a bit of a result there

(don’t know who ron is)



Mate, that’s the legendary J. E NCDade you’re slating!

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I also wrote to Jim’ll Fix It. I found out that Madonna was the same age as my parents and I decided my life would be much better if she was my mum rather than my actual mum. I wrote to Jim to ask if he would fix it for me to be adopted by Madonna. I didn’t receive a reply and I was not adopted by Madonna.

On a separate occasion I wrote to Jim to ask if he would fix it for me to have Nancy Wilson from Heart’s wardrobe (I was an odd child). Again, Jim did not fix it.


Real 90s kids remember Bitsa, the make-your-own-art show presented by two people who clearly went to Glastonbury’s healing fields every year. I wrote a nice letter to them both and made my mum send in an SAE (remember those?) for a 50 page photocopied pack of things to make. It took six months to arrive.

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Imagine not being adopted by Madonna. That’s a snubbing right there.

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