anyone got any work going?

have a piss easy office job atm and it’s great cos I can watch tv all day, but I could do with better money, earning a pittance. Got 6 months before I piss off back to Europe so it wouldn’t be a long time thing (unless I was able to work remotely from a different country anyway).

Just posting this on the off-chance. Previously I was an Account Manager handling big clients. So did bits of sales, customer service, tech support etc. I’ve done plenty of SAP, PowerBI and Salesforce and I’ve got winning attitude pouring out of me. Bit of JIRA here and there. #JustJIRAThings

I am also the voice of an easy listening Czech radio station.

Just look at these LinkedIn endorsements!

i’m a great guy, I do my work

Feel free to use this thread to offer me jobs


Wish I was a great guy :frowning: cba to do work though

you’re not a great guy

you’re the greatest guy!


Can… do you have the Czech thing available to listen to? I need this.


mert akscac is a well, fucking well nice guy, and I encourage anyone to exchange with him money for labour.


very kind. good luck with your job life!

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Nope, I went in, recorded the idents or whatever the radio version of idents are, got paid, went home. Got the finish product sent to me but the links no longer work :cry: Not convinced they used them for long, but they have such a weird fetish for Brits there, every twat has the Union Jack on their bags or t-shirts. I exploited this fetish with all my might.

wish I had the gravitas of @Fr.Mert

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do you know which footballer he is named after?

Damn it. If you ever have the time to recreate this please do

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Didier Drogba

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I do. but it’s not the point. who knows why they chose that footballer in question. but it’s not the point.

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gravitas is a new one

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you seemed really cool and chilled the times i met you, and had a certain gravitas as a result.

what do you want me to say

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Thanks prof. You also seemed those things and I liked you and continue to be a big fan

decided to hunt for jobs

  • opened LinkedIn
  • got distracted, remembered I was going to send a prospective CV to a travel website I like
  • remembered my travel blog
  • decided I should really update that because I ditched it halfway through documenting my asia trip
  • now looking at old travel photos

this is why I never get anywhere.


Mert_Aksac is a total shag

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@whiterussian mind if I move this back? No one looks at classified come on :joy:

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This is literally what this forum is for :woman_shrugging:t3: When I post something in one of the smaller forums that I want people to see I tend to link to it in line a daily thread or something.